maybe it's just me, but it seems like the information we need to share at the annual conference is extremely complicated. i'm afraid that if we try to do too much, people are going to walk away more confused than they are when they walk in. i have a suggestion and welcome your feedback.
okay. the theme is 10,000 doors, so the first thing we'd do is find like 3 sets of pictures of doors. it would be great if the doors could start off looking ancient and progressed to more contemporary and ended up classified as modern (like stephen suggested with the ancient/future theme). the doors will need to be animated to open so that words are revealed.
behind each door would be a single message, but all of the doors taken together tell a story.
the message behind each door deals with the number of new converts we have in our congregations. as the doors continue to open, the number of converts decreases drastically until one door finally asks what we plan to do about this trend. the next group of doors, ones that look different from the first set and are preferably a different color, begin to show the planting of new churches as well as the merging of other churches and the revitalization of still other churhes that meet our goal of mp3. these pictures would be of the success stories we have throughout the conference, that stephen mentioned, like bellwether and hope and the pointe and that one church that was highlighted at the convocation in rust and the like. here, we would be intentional about using real live people from small churches especially to show that we honor them and that the conference has not abandoned them nor does the conference deem them unworthy. at the end we could have a door open to show our goal of starting three new churches per year. the names of committee members should roll like credits behind the door as well, so people will know who to contact with questions, comments, or concerns.
basically, i'm just trying to roll all of what stephen said into a non-threatening visual that really doesn't even have to use a voice, just music as a way of communicating to the people the need to support the initiative to become more aggressive as it relates to congregational development.
honestly, what do you think?
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Okay folks, think I may have this sorted out. First, confusion reigns, what with the Stewardship Table doing "their thing" and us "PCDM Table" supposed to do our thing, etc., etc. Second, we won't have much time. As of this morning the draft agenda has no more than 15 minutes for us, probably 10. Third, after discussing it with Embra it's clear to me what he's thinking (and by extension what the Bishop is thinking) is that we'll present basically what we presented to the cabinet back in Oct (or was it Nov). Anyway, more to follow. I will give you a heads up that we need either (a) a brochure from each of your areas or (b) brochure type words from you area to insert into a PCDM brochure for our table out in the convention center.
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